Art & Soul, 2016

Effervescent, bubbling over with excitement perfectly describes this lovely, jolly group of ladies who attended the Art & Soul, Alabama Chanin class on Friday! I so enjoyed looking out onto a sea of smiling faces while guiding these women through the physics of sewing, tips and old wives "truths", stitches, techniques, construction, stenciling, beading and more.

We had participants who traveled from all over the Pacific Northwest, Hawaii and Canada. I was thrilled that a few ladies shared their own completed Alabama Chanin projects with us. It was a pleasant surprise to see Sue from 2015 Art & Soul in class! I was thankful that my friend, Miss Connie, was able to bring extra boxes in her car to Portland for me, so I had more room for samples of Alabama Chanin clothing. Inspecting completed projects up close and personal is another aide to understanding garment construction, plus it's a whole heck of a lot of fun! One of my greatest joys is seeing lightbulbs going off and sparks of ideas flying around.

My friend Phyllis was able to be my assistant for the day, and she was invaluable. Let me repeat that...She was invaluable! Thank you Glenny and Marie from Art & Soul for hosting our workshop and running such a wonderful event. And of course, many thanks to all the talented folks at Alabama Chanin for creating your beautiful, sustainable line of clothing, craft, and business.

My heart is full.


  1. Patti, your classes are always beautifully organized as well as inspiring. What fun it was to experience the joy and the enthusiasm that is ever present. You are such a great teacher, sensitive to your audience and highly knowledgeable. It was such a pleasure to be there and watch you fully engaged, initiating your students into the wonderful world of Alabama Chanin!

  2. Thank you so much, Phyliss, for the kind words and everything :)

  3. Wow! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you. :O)

    Catherine Witherell
